Scheel's Home & Hardware Design Challenge
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

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Critic's & People's Choice Recipients
Summer 2022
During the spring of 2022, my group was randomly assigned the design style of Bohemian for the Scheel's Home and Hardware Design Challenge. In beginning of the summer 2022, my partners, Abby Hopkins and Leah Vikander, and I collaborated to create the design. Initially, we were given a $500 budget to find signature pieces from select manufacturers. We decided to use our budget toward the floor lamp, a rug, two pillows, and the mirror. We felt these were necessary elements that elevated our design. We also were tasked with locating a local artist for a focal point in our design. We used Kate Baldock's 'Two is Better Than One'.
We decided to take a bolder approach to the bohemian style. Adding some dark colors and sleek finishes modernized the space. This added contrast with the neutral tones, giving more depth to the space. In August, we finally got to build-out out vignette at the Scheel’s Home and Hardware store here in Fargo. I enjoyed this entire challenge of working with two others to select materials, create a design, and be adaptive to the in-store furniture/décor options.
After completing the design challenge, we were able to visit with the other teams, critics, friends, and family. The critics walked around each of the six vignettes and judged each on certain design criteria. There was an online vote for the public to choose a people's choice as well. After our hard work, it felt great to receive both the Critic's Choice and People's Choice Awards for the design challenge!